In order to battle the volatility of networks and constant barrage and evolution of attacks, SecureForce LLC announced Wednesday its Enterprise Security Intelligence (ESI) solution operating in the cloud. SecureForce's ESI service examines configurations of firewalls, routers, VPNs, and load balancers across an organization's network to discover, classify, and prioritize openings in the network infrastructure. In addition, the service enables security policy validation, identifies and prioritizes vulnerabilities for remediation, and reveals regulatory compliance to auditors.
"A commitment to security means ensuring networks are constantly being checked to validate their integrity. The challenge is doing this frequently enough to identify and resolve any vulnerability while having the confidence in the security of your network at any point in time," said Stefen Smith, CSO for SecureForce. "Clients using our Enterprise Security Intelligence service are able to consistently monitor for problems, model changes, assess risks, and quickly remediate the variety of issues that occur when managing the diverse set of layer-three devices spread across their organizations."
SecureForce's Enterprise Security Intelligence service analyzes the configuration of layer-three devices in the network to examine the device, as well as to figure out how each of those devices interact with each other to provide security for the role in which they are being used.
SecureForce's ESI service focuses on two essential capabilities. The first, Network Accessibility Audit, delivers a best practices report to identify how the customer's network meets existing industry standards for managing the integrity of networks. The service analyzes every possible way devices communicate with each other. The resulting audit identifies untrusted devices or zones - pointing out accessibility holes in the network that require immediate attention.
The second capability of ESI is the Network Vulnerability Analysis that builds upon the intelligence generated in the Network Accessibility Audit by adding vulnerability scan data to the mix. The result is the delivery of a list of vulnerable or incorrectly configured devices, prioritized by degree of exposure and downstream risk, and a remediation plan directing clients where to take immediate corrective action.
"Over the last decade, we've found that most organizations out there are fortunate to perform these types of systematic audits and analyses once a year. With the increasing number of devices showing up across networks, the time and labor intensity required to perform such tasks is cost prohibitive to perform on a monthly basis - and in many cases nearly impossible," said Marc Perrelli, President and CEO of SecureForce. "With our Enterprise Security Intelligence service, we now provide our clients with a degree of confidence in the security posture of their networks that they've never had. More importantly, that confidence level is not something that will fade away over time as with other audits performed annually, if ever. Our service provides the audit and analysis each month - helping organizations conserve precious budgetary dollars, while providing the ability to actively monitor and manage the vulnerability state of their network."
SecureForce's Enterprise Security Intelligence solution allows clients to make informed decisions when mitigating vulnerabilities - ultimately addressing those prioritized issues that provide the biggest impact and benefit to the organization. ESI brings a structured approach to verifying the Defense In Depth principles and using real-world data to make recommendations, eliminating the manual and lengthy process of interpreting vulnerability scanner reports.
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